Hirav Shah

The Man Behind many GLOBALLY Successful BRANDS


Business TURNAROUND Specialist




Brand Builder – Validation Expert


Innovator of Astro Strategy


International BestSelling Author


Astro Strategist



Hirav Shah Is On A Mission To Transform Your Business


Hirav Shah is a distinguished strategic business consultant, International BestSelling Author, pioneer of most popular Astro Strategy , renowned for his transformative impact on numerous globally successful brands. With over two decades of experience, Hirav has earned a reputation as a business turnaround specialist, adept at revitalizing struggling businesses and steering them towards profitability. His expertise extends beyond traditional business strategies; he is celebrated as the Value Accelerator and a master Brand Builder, known for his exceptional skills in brand development and strategy validation.

Hirav Shah’s Slogan:

“Why earn less, when you have the potential to earn more”

Strategic Optimization

Hirav’s Unique Approach


  • Hirav Shah’s Philosophy on Success: Integrating Hard Work, Mindset, Skills, Strategies, Execution, and Luck.
  • The Problem: Incomplete Approaches:
    In the business world, professionals often hire business strategists who focus on planning and execution but neglect the influence of luck. Conversely, some businesspeople consult astrologers who emphasize luck but lack the strategic and execution frameworks necessary for practical implementation.
  • The Solution: Astro-Strategy

    To bridge this gap, Hirav Shah innovated the concept of Astro-Strategy, a unique approach that combines traditional business strategies with astrological insights. This method operates on the 80-20 rule, where 80% of success is attributed to hard work, mindset, skills, strategies, and execution, while the remaining 20% is influenced by luck.

  • Results: This innovative methodology has positioned Hirav as the #1 Astro Strategist globally, blending ancient wisdom with modern business acumen to deliver extraordinary results.

  • First Choice: And now Astro Strategy is the first choice for all leading entrepreneurs, Hollywood, Bollywood, real estate developers, sportsmen, celebrities, politicians etc.

3 ways to validate any strategical calls

Hirav Shah on Validation Strategy:

  • “Exponential Growth can be achieved when you know where you are, where you want to go, why you want it, what’s the GAP between your goal and your current situation and finally what are the chances to achieve your goal”.
  • Now the question is how to find the chances to achieve your goal?
  • There are only 3 ways to validate any strategical calls for any New or Existing Business or Real Estate Project or Sports Business or any Movie Project.
  • Follow KEA Rules:
    1. K for Knowledge,
    2. E for Experience or an Expert’s opinion
    3. A for Astro Strategy
  • From above 3 ways, Astro Strategy is the only TOOL that can provide you the certainty of the results of your actions in advance.

What is Astro Strategy?

Validation Tool for Any Strategic Decision


Its the born child of an entrepreneur and an astro strategist Hirav Shah

80/20 Rule

Astro Strategy is the combination of 80/20 Rule-80% of the result comes from Hard Work coupled with Mindset, Strategy, skills and Execution; 20% being attributed to luck.


Yes, Its the key for any strategic call. 


Astro Strategy is a pioneering method that brings together the best of both worlds—strategic business planning and astrological wisdom—to help businesses and individuals achieve their full potential.

Why Astro Strategy is Most Popular?


Astro Strategy can give you CLARITY on what are the CHANCES of REACHING Your GOAL. What Capabilities you need to improve, etc in advance before making any strategies or taking any massive action. And when you gain certainty, you can execute with more potential.


Astro Strategy can also provide you reliable support for any strategic decision with estimated resistance and support levels. This helps identify the capabilities that must be developed for success as well as indicate how likely the goal is to be achieved.

Balanced Approach

Ensuring that neither the strategic nor the astrological aspects are neglected, creating a holistic plan that leverages both elements.

For Corporate Business, Real Estate, Sports, Entertainment, Start-ups, and More

Business Turnaround Specialist:

  • Proven track record in revitalizing businesses and driving them back to profitability.

Value Accelerator:

  • Expertise in accelerating business value and ensuring sustainable growth.

Brand Builder and Validation Expert:

  • Exceptional skills in developing strong, successful brands and validating strategic decisions.

Astro Strategy Innovator:

  • Creator of Astro Strategy, integrating astrological insights with business strategies.
  • Instrumental in the success of numerous internationally recognized brands.

Hirav’s Message

This is the beginning of your new life, more success, more impact, more purpose, more freedom… But only if you choose to take action!! Yes, Massive Action!!!

Our Services

A-Z Astro Strategic Opinion

Any confusion or difficult yes/no decision requires an expert opinion. You are just a question away from Hirav Shah. His answers have proven to be game changers.

Business Turn Around Lab

Struggling to turn things around? The Business Turnaround Lab is your secret weapon for success!

We combine cutting-edge AI with proven strategies and expert guidance to help you diagnose issues, develop solutions, and achieve breakthrough results.

Get a complete business health check in just days.

The Value Accelerator Hub

Unlock hidden potential, skyrocket business valuation, and attract the right investors. Start accelerating your business growth now!

360° Business Analysis

A complete GAP & SWOT analysis of your business, brand, opportunities, competitors for better understanding on how to take the best steps forward.

Action Plan

Get a detailed execution plan for how we can tap full potential of your business.

Sales Timeline and Estimated Income

It helps to utilize the full potential of resources, gauge the obstacles, find solutions, seek counsel, budget well, divide resources for marketing and advertising in the best possible manner.

Hirav’s Approach

Set a clear goal:

Helping you set SMART Goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound).

Identify Challenges in Your Path:

A strong understanding of the market landscape and obstacles you will face.

Weigh your options:

Formulating the best tools and tactics to achieve best case scenarios and avoid crushing failures.

Show you the way

Give you a clear action plan which, when followed diligently, will help you achieve your SMART goals.

The Hirav Shah Advantage

For any business to be successful, the key focus should be on developing a strong foundation. With Hirav Shah’s guidance, you can ensure that your bases are covered

With astro-strategy, you can answer puzzling questions such as:

How do I scale my business effectively?

What should my long-term vision and mission be?

How can I improve my company's financial performance to increase valuation?

Is it a right Merger & Acquisition for me?

How can I set realistic and achievable business goals?

What are the best strategies for expanding into new markets?


the HIRAV SHAH show

Podcast for

anyone looking to reach their full potential

Strategic Thinking Development: Listening to discussions on strategic planning and execution helps you develop a long-term vision for your business.

Actionable Tips: Podcasts typically offer practical tips and strategies that can be directly applied to your business. 

Mindset and Resilience: Topics often include developing a growth mindset, resilience, and other personal qualities essential for entrepreneurial success.



Have an existing/upcoming project on which you need Astro-Strategic guidance?

Hire Hirav Shah for

Business Assessment

Gain comprehensive insights into your business’s current performance and potential growth areas.

Estimated Income

Project your future earnings with precision to make informed financial decisions.


Transform your brand identity to resonate more effectively with your target audience.

Project Analysis

Conduct in-depth evaluations of your projects to ensure alignment with business goals.

Unsold Inventory

Develop strategies to reduce surplus stock and improve cash flow.

Sales Timelines

Establish realistic and achievable sales targets to drive consistent revenue.

Sales Strategies

Implement innovative sales techniques to boost your business’s profitability.


Craft compelling ad campaigns to increase brand visibility and attract customers.

Operations Streamlining

Optimize your operations to reduce costs and improve service delivery.

Acquisition & Mergers

Navigate the complexities of mergers and acquisitions with expert guidance.

SWOT Analysis

Identify your business’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for strategic planning.

New Project Launches

Launch new projects successfully with meticulous planning and execution.

Trends Forecast

Stay ahead of industry trends to maintain a competitive edge.

Business Expansion

Strategically expand your business to new markets and customer segments.

Process Improvisation

Enhance your operational processes for increased efficiency and productivity.

Company Transformation

Drive significant changes within your organization to achieve long-term success.

Performance Coaching

Improve individual and team performance through targeted coaching.

Campaign -Strategy Planning

Design effective campaign strategies to achieve your marketing objectives.

With Hirav Shah





+91-9687599923 (In)
+1-551-689-5323 (USA)

Hirav Shah

Achieve Your Objectives with Expert Consultation


Short-Term Engagements for Targeted Goals and Campaigns


On a monthly retainer ship: Long term guidance for your firm


To avail Preliminary 10 minutes FREE STRATEGY SESSION with Hirav,


WhatsApp your Business Details on +91-9687599923(INDIA) or +1-5516895323(USA)